Ready for a new name in wound care?

On the 1st of May, Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border will change its name to RespoSorb® Silicone Border

New and improved
Resposorb pack reveal

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Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border

is changing to

RespoSorb® Silicone Border

It might have a new name, but it’s still the same dressing you and your patients rely on – now new and improved, with nine additional sizes to suit even more wounds.

So new RespoSorb® Silicone Border could still mean the difference between managing and healing wounds...just with a different name, and different product codes.

Resposorb dressing shaped like a heart

Predicted better health outcomes and cost-effectiveness
compared with foam dressings.1

Expected improvement to Quality Of Life
compared to standard of care.2

Your new RespoSorb® Silicone Border codes with the addition of nine new sizes!

Product Total size Wound pad size Product code PIP code Pack size
Total Size: 8 × 8 cm NEW Pad Size:3.5 × 3.5 cm Product Code:413000 PIP:427-9477 Pack Size:10
Total Size:10 × 10 cm Pad Size:5 × 5 cm Product Code:413001 PIP:427-9485 Pack Size:10
Total Size:12.5 × 12.5 cm Pad Size:7.5 × 7.5 cm Product Code:413002 PIP:427-9550 Pack Size:10
Total Size:15 × 15 cm NEW Pad Size:9.5 × 9.5 cm Product Code:413003 PIP:427-9493 Pack Size:10
Total Size:16 × 26 cm NEW Pad Size:10.5 × 10.5 cm Product Code:413004 PIP:427-9501 Pack Size:10
Total Size:17.5 × 17.5 cm Pad Size:12.1 × 12.1 cm Product Code:413022 PIP:427-9543 Pack Size:10
Total Size:20 × 20 cm NEW Pad Size:14.5 × 14.5 cm Product Code:413005 PIP:427-9419 Pack Size:10
Total Size:18 × 18 cm NEW Pad Size:12.6 × 12.6 cm Product Code:413006 PIP:427-9576 Pack Size:10
Total Size:23 × 23 cm NEW Pad Size:17.6 × 17.6 cm Product Code:413007 PIP:427-9584 Pack Size:10
Total Size:13 × 15.5 cm NEW Pad Size:7.5 × 10 cm Product Code:413008 PIP:427-9527 Pack Size:10
Total Size:12 × 23 cm NEW Pad Size:6.5 × 17.5 cm Product Code:413009 PIP:427-9535 Pack Size:10
Total Size:25 × 25 cm NEW Pad Size:18.6 × 17.2 cm Product Code:413010 PIP:427-9568 Pack Size:10

Like a sample?

Fill in your details and we'll be in touch to discuss further

1. Velickovic VM, Prieto PA, Krga M, Jorge AM. Superabsorbent wound dressings versus foam dressings for the management of moderate-to-highly exuding venous leg ulcers in French settings: An early stage model-based economic evaluation. Journal of Tissue Viability. 2022;31(3):523–30.

2. Velickovic VM, Lembelembe J P, Cegri F, Binic I, Abdelaziz AB, Sun S, et al. Superabsorbent wound dressing for management of patients with moderate-to-highly exuding chronic leg ulcers: An early stage model-based benefit-harm assessment.The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds. 2021.